Saturday, January 20, 2018

Shieldmaiden Saturday #24

  I have learned that a Shieldmaiden, Valkyrie, and a Goddess can all hit the proverbial wall...hard. Not only is the wall hit hard the knocked down Shieldmaiden, Valkyrie, or Goddess does want to get back on their feet and dust their clothes off and again battle. We may eventually pull our selves up with difficulty and then stand there in a daze of tiredness, loneliness, despair and a great feeling of loss. At times, like tonight, I ask what for? I am all of the above. I am tired and I am weak and I need someone who is emotionally and physically strong enough to put up with me and my weaknesses but I trust that he does not exist. Yet I think that he does but I keep getting disappointed and that makes me miss him even more. All I want is to be tightly held and never let go. 

  But is not that what most Shieldmaidens, Valkyries and Goddesses think and feel and desire and want? Just because we can give a strong showing does not mean we would not relish the chance of being helped made to feel loved and special. 

  Life is not one dimensional for anyone so why should it be so for strong women? We need love, respect, and protection too from someone that is strong enough who will love, respect and protect us. And there can lie the rub for it seems quite a few men feel threatened by a woman's strength, no matter her calling, and run the other way or make fun of her without ever realizing that there is fragility in a strong woman. When we break it is rarely a pretty sight.

  What has brought upon this stream of thought is that as the All-Mother Frigg, I have hit the wall this night. Feeling weak and down, I put myself out there on Twitter and was given love and wise consul by two Shieldmaidens. sometimes us females are each other's warriors.
Thank you and many blessings.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Frigg and Freyja

Mother Frigg, my dearest All-Mother
You comforted me in my time of darkness
Held me when I cried
Gently wiped my tears when my heart hurt the most
and reminded me to smile.

Sister Freyja, Warrior and Lover
You protected me from the ill-will of others
Reminded me to fight on
and sent your cats to soothe me.

Mother and Sister I am thankful for you,
your love, wisdom, patience,
guidance and grace.
May I be more like you.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Thor and Frigg

Thor and Frigg
Frigg and Thor
Brother and sister forever more.

Thunder and cloud
Cloud and thunder
Always together
Even without a sound.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Shieldmaiden Saturday #23 - Be a Warrior Woman

SKAL this Shieldmaiden Saturday. May we be fierce when face with our battles of our days. Blessed Be.

Being a Warrior Woman

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

A Tyr'sday Blessing

Only a little something in hopes that your Tyr'sday was good to you and that you dedicated whatever kind of battle you may have fought today to Tyr.

This is can be found at Etsy in MidnightCraftsman shop. The store has many more Runes if not all.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Frigg'sday #7

Cloud spinner in the sky
Mother to us all
Homage is we pay to you
for all that you do.
Hail Frigg!
Hail our All-Mother!

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Shieldmaiden #22 - Valkyrie Rising

In sacred honor of the Valkyries who bravely and lovingly take those slain in battle or die a noble death to Valhalla, I give the group Benedictum's song, from their 2006 debut album Uncreation,Valkyrie Rising.