Saturday, June 6, 2015

Shieldmaiden Saturday #19 -The Ride of the Valkyries from Wagner's Ring Cycle at the Met

   Whatever Richard Wagner's stance on life was when he was alive does not keep me from enjoying Der Ring des Nibelungen. From this opera I give to you, what may be the most famous piece from the second part of his opera, and maybe even of all of Wagner's works, Die Wlaküre - The Valkyrie: The Ride of the Valkyries. The video is from the Metropolitan Opoera 2012 production of Der Ring des Nibleungen that had Deborah Voigt as Brünnhilde and jay hunter Morris as Siegfried. This the only production of this opera that I have ever seen and therefore my favorite

Friday, June 5, 2015

Frigg'sday # 4

Queen Frigg, Lady of Secrets
All-Mother that never tells what she knows

This I know for you never tell what you hear
So I confide in you what my heart holds dear
For there is no one I trust and love more than you
Oh beautiful and loving Frigg.

Frigg - Lady of Secrets by samflegal @ DeviantArt