Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Poetic Edda - Voluspo: Stanzas 12, 13, 14,15 and 16

  To continue on our Voluspo journey and the name of the dwarves. These stanzas make me smile and if you are a J.R.R. Tolkien fan or even a fan of the movie The Hobbit trilogy  these will should make you smile as well. As usual this is from the translation of Poetic Edda.

12. Vigg and Gandalf   Vildaf and Thrain
       Thekk and Thorin  Thror, Vit and Lit
       Nyr and Nyrath, --  Now I have told --
       Regin and Rathsvith --  the list aright.

13. Fili, Kili,   Fundin, Nali
      Heptifili    Hannar, Sviur
      Frar, Hornboi,  Fraeg and Loni,
      Aurvang, Jari,    Eikinskjaldi.

14. The race of dwarfs  in Dvalin'sthrong
      Down to Lofar  the list I must tell;
      The rocks they left,  and through wet lands  
      They sought a home in the fields of sand.

15. There were Draupnir,   and Dolgthrasir,
      Hor, Haugspori,  Hlevang, Gloin,
      Dori, Ori,  Duf, Andvari,
      Skirfir, Virfir,  Skafith, Ai.

16.  Alf and Yngvi,  Eikinskjaldi,
       Fjalar and Frosti  Fith, and Ginnar;
       So for all time  shall the tale be known,
       The list of all the forebears of Lofar.

Shieldmaiden Saturday #12

This is probably my favorite out of what I have seen of Valkyries.This was first shown to me by a Twitter friend about a month or so ago and I fell in love with this piece of art work. It is  digital art by Karl Nyman and is entitled Valkyrie Ascending .