Friday, May 29, 2015

Friggsday #3 - Frigg, Frigga and Frigga's Web (Germanic godess)

       On this Day of Frigg I share with you a beautifully haunting song for Frigg that is entitled Frigga's Web  Hagalaz' Runedance in 2002 from the album/cd of the same name.

I feel truly blessed to have come across or dare I say to be shown by the all-Mother this music. For those that know me on Twitter they know I love Frigg and am disappointed in the lack of honor she receives. I believe I have expressed the same sentiment in a couple of post her on my blog. But with this song, I feel the love and power for and of Frigg. As well as her wisdom.

  May Frigg Bless you and let you feel her love and power.

Frigga's Web Lyrics

Silence before the storm
I reach the house hidden by the night
A light I saw I knocked all quietly
I entered; a woman sat by the spinning wheel 

"What brings you here my child", she asked?
"Don't you know our lady keeps her secrets well?"
It's my life I am running from
It's my fate I am hiding from,
oh would the Goddess speak to me?

Her ways I do not understand, the mysteries I must know,
Oh would the Mother see through me?

"Why don't you rest my child", she said, "I will seek her advice, I will wake you
when it's time"
All night by the spinning wheel, she sang an ancient tune and in the morn' her
work was done
In the distance I heard a call, I awoke and held the spindle in my hand
My other hand held new life, the Goddess had been by my side
and her blessing was mine.

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