Friday, May 8, 2015

Representing Frigg

The All-Mother has become very important to me. When I started representing her on Twitter I had no idea what to do or even if I wanted to be her. I had thought of Freyja but when I was ready to become her I started having many to come and talked to Frigg so I stayed Frigg. I believe she knew of my struggle with my Twitter identity and had others befriend me as her to keep me representing her.

  With the All-Mother keeping me as a representative of hers I became more comfortable and found my footing. At first I thought to try to be like my maternal grandmother, who everyone loved and still love, but then I found that I have some of her qualities, taking care of the family,cooking,etc., so I put me out there as Frigg. Being me is really the best thing I could do for Frigg.

  The All-Mother has seemed happy to have me or at least I feel that I please her. She has helped me a couple of times. First was when one of my cats got out early in the morning on Valentine's Day and I did not realize it until almost bedtime. I was calling for him for hours when he showed himself but then he disappeared again. I finally got to the point where I looked up and saw the constellation Orion and his belt. This gave me hope. Looking at Orion's Belt, also known as Frigg's Distaff, I asked her to help bring my cat back to me and inside my house. I tacked on Freyja to be on the safe side. A few minutes later here came my cat and I picked him up and got him back inside. since then he has somewhat learned not to sneak outside though he does try but a spray bottle of water helps that situation.

  My second encounter with Frigg's help was a few weeks ago. Nothing dramatic. I was having a bad day and was getting ready to cry when all I did was say"Frigg help me" and almost immediately after getting the words out I felt calmer.

  This all may seem far fetched and the rambling of flighty mind but this is how things are for me and my representation and love of Frigg. I feel blessed to have her in my life and am devoted to her. I also feel she gets relatively ignored by others because she did the most important thing of all:She took care of her family, all of the Æsir , and those she fostered. Maybe it is because of the times and those that are able to take care of their family,whether they (like me) have no children or not, but can still tend to the home seems to be look down on and feel by others to be unimportant. I would like to see them tell the women in their families who stayed home and took care of the family that and see what happens. Because if you are shortchanging the women in your family for raising her family and possibly you, then you are also shortchanging Frigg.

  Forgive me for losing control but I had to write the words that were flowing through me.

  May Frigg Bless You.

Frigg Casting Runes

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