Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Poetic Edda - Voluspo: Stanzas 12, 13, 14,15 and 16

  To continue on our Voluspo journey and the name of the dwarves. These stanzas make me smile and if you are a J.R.R. Tolkien fan or even a fan of the movie The Hobbit trilogy  these will should make you smile as well. As usual this is from the translation of Poetic Edda.

12. Vigg and Gandalf   Vildaf and Thrain
       Thekk and Thorin  Thror, Vit and Lit
       Nyr and Nyrath, --  Now I have told --
       Regin and Rathsvith --  the list aright.

13. Fili, Kili,   Fundin, Nali
      Heptifili    Hannar, Sviur
      Frar, Hornboi,  Fraeg and Loni,
      Aurvang, Jari,    Eikinskjaldi.

14. The race of dwarfs  in Dvalin'sthrong
      Down to Lofar  the list I must tell;
      The rocks they left,  and through wet lands  
      They sought a home in the fields of sand.

15. There were Draupnir,   and Dolgthrasir,
      Hor, Haugspori,  Hlevang, Gloin,
      Dori, Ori,  Duf, Andvari,
      Skirfir, Virfir,  Skafith, Ai.

16.  Alf and Yngvi,  Eikinskjaldi,
       Fjalar and Frosti  Fith, and Ginnar;
       So for all time  shall the tale be known,
       The list of all the forebears of Lofar.

Shieldmaiden Saturday #12

This is probably my favorite out of what I have seen of Valkyries.This was first shown to me by a Twitter friend about a month or so ago and I fell in love with this piece of art work. It is  digital art by Karl Nyman and is entitled Valkyrie Ascending .

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Vikings Season 3: Travis Fimmel & Clive Standen Interview

 Drinking beer Saturday July 26,2014 at San Diego Comic Con ,Travis Fimmel and Clive Standen talks about how last season was more about family and this season is about the raiding. Also I keep thinking I hear something about the women giving them grief or at least the female character. Ragnar and Rollo are closer after the betrayal.

Brotherly love away from Vikings 


Monday, June 9, 2014

Voluspo: Stanzas 9,10, and 11

This is still from  the Henry Adams Bellow 1936 translation of The Poetic Edda. It is the naming of the dwarfs and some of them have very familiar names.

9. Then sought the gods their assembly seats,
The holy ones, and council held,
To find who should raise the race of dwarfs
Out of Brimir's blood and the legs of Blain.

10. There was Motsognir the mightiest made,
Of all the dwarfs, and Durin next;
Many a likeness of men they made,
The dwarfs in the earth, as Durin said.

11. Nyi and Nithi, Northri and Suthri,
Austri and Vestri, Althjof, Dvalin,
Nar and Nain Niping and Dain,
Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Nori,
An and Onar, Ai Mjothvitnir.


Saturday, May 24, 2014

Shieldmaiden Saturday #11

 I originally found 'Dark Valkyrie' at the deviantArt page of fluxen and it is also now on his own webpage Art of Sang Han.

  This is a beautiful dark piece of work that pulls at my heart. Then that is how all art speaks to me, it has to touch my heart and not my head.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Floki Friday #10 - Floki & Helga's Engagement Album

  Last nights episode between Floki and Helga made me want my very on Floki. Yes he is slightly crazy and has a fondness for mushrooms, but Floki is so sweet and loving to Helga, and she to him, that it just endears them to fans even more.

  So in honor of the happy couple that brought tears of joy to a few of our eyes (yes I was very much one of them) here is there engagement and wedding albums. Starting of course with the engament.


  Floki at his crafts of carpentry and boat building.

The result...BEAUTIFUL!

Helga telling Floki that she is carrying his child.

Floki might as well kill me with "Floki the carpenter. Floki the fisherman. Floki the father." Damn him! I'm tearing up again. And Floki's EYES!

Tender family moment.

Then Floki panics about being a good father. Normal for some I believe.

"Poor child to have such a father."         

Helga telling Floki "No! You'll be a wonderful father." Such a good woman.

Helga trying to comfort Floki because he thinks he is not good enough to be a father and Floki  trying to comfort Helga because he is frightening her.

Lets get married! Oh Floki, YES!

And may the gods bless us      

Love the look on Helga's face.

But no Ragnar.

And the kiss

Monday, March 3, 2014

Rollo Monday #10

I got lucky and figured out how to make screencaps just in time for the new season of Vikings.
Because I essentially have a new toy to play with I was able to make a few Rollo screencaps that are from the first few minutes of Season 2 Episode1 'Brother's War'.

So I hope you enjoy them.

Dumb luck on getting Roll's belly button and mushroom.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Monday, February 24, 2014

Friday, February 21, 2014

Floki Friday #8 - Promotional Card

Vikings Season 2 Floki Promotional Card from 2013 Comi-Con

'Vikings' Fantasy League

  On Facebook 'Vikings' have a Vikings Fantasy League. It seems to be just like Fantasy Football (even minus weapons, I think our Vikings could handily beat the Minnesota Vikings). What we have to do is:

  1. Choose your team
  2. Watch Vikings 
  3. Complete to win a walk-on role

  Would love the walk-on role, just so I could blow their minds with my height. I could easily be thought of as a female jotunn

Friday, February 7, 2014

Vikings Season 2 Character Posters

I have not posted the character posters before now because I only thought that there was only Floki, Rollo, Ragnar and Lagerthaand that Siggy and Athelstan had been ignored. Happily I was wrong.I have discovered a Spanish site, or what I perceive to be a Spanish site, that has all of the Vikings character posters including three unexpected ones, to me anyway, of King Horik, King Ecbert and Aslaug (BOO & HISS) .







King Horik

King Ecbert

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Viking Forums

Viking Forums was started yesterday, February 5, 2014 and it is doing quite good.  So far, there is the  standard General category with it's General Discussion Board as well as an Introduction Board. There is also a History and Discussion category with a History Board and Mythology Board with more surely to come. Then there is the Entrainment and Media which is about Viking humor, music movie s and of course the series 'Vikings'. I think that the last one is a downright necessity. NOthing vile or anything like that.

There is also a Twitter page for Viking Forums, which I now follow as Frigg. I am also Frigg on the Viking Forums board and it would be great if any of you would go and see what I feel I am inadequately trying to explain.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Get Caught Up on 'Vikings'

  In preparation for the second season of History's 'Vikings' February 28 we can watch full episodes of season one at History's website. Also a good way to get your Ragnar, Floki,Rollo, Lagertha and Siggy fix.

Nature's Smartest Birds - Ravens by PBS

    Was just looking around on Youtube at nothing in particular and stumbled across this PBS documentary about ravens. It's not the greatest because..well, there is no real mention of Odin or Huginn and Muninn, but other than that it is a good piece talking about the raven's intelligence.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Shieldmaiden Saturday #9

Double shieldmaiden entry this Saturday. I have done my very first screencaps of Siggy and Lagertha and did some decroations to them. Granted Siggy, to my knowledge, is not a shieldmaiden, at least not in the sense of Lagertha, but she does fight her on battles against some formidable men so that, to me, makes Siggy a shieldmaiden.

  The decorated screencaps are from Vikings Season 2 Tease.

Monday, January 20, 2014