Friday, April 17, 2015

Floki Friday - #12

Season 3 of 'Vikings' has been a doozy. We started with Torstein's death and then to the one that seemed to have almost killed us all...Siggy's. I don't know why but Athelstan's death was not that surprising and the fact that he was murdered by Floki really wasn't the surprising to me because Floki told Helga that he had to make a sacrifice to the gods and, sadly, who else would Floki sacrifice? The sacrifice was even sanctioned by Loki when he allowed/ helped Floki shape-shift into a dog to get pass Rollo in the village on the way to kill Athelstan.

  All of this has led me to 'To the Gates' episode 8 of Season 3 or at least close to the end of it when Floki looks like he is trying out for either Apocalypse Now or Rambo . I think they both had men looking out of the water or one at least had a man come fastly rising out of the water with machine guns. Well with Floki being scared to come out of the water because he thinks that everyone hates him and the Helga pretty much tells him to get over himself because he is being selfish. Agreed.

  Anyway, this is the photo that got me thinking about the two movies.

Friggsday #1

 I am a devoted admirer of the All-Mother, Frigg and I try to give a representation of her on Twitter that makes her proud to call me her daughter.

  It seems to me that there is little to no appreciation, let alone love, of Frigg and this hurts me and breaks my heart as to how overlooked and unappreciated she is. Frigg is not Freyja. Freyja is not Frigg. They are sister goddess of different pantheons. Freyja is loved above Queen Frigg because she goddess of war, sex and beauty. Where as Frigg is of the home and hearth, keeper of the visions she sees and tells no one.

 Frigg is also goddess of Love, Marriage and Destiny. She is a sky goddess and as such is responsible of the weaving of clouds, hence the All-Mother is also responsible for sunshine, rain and the fertility of crops. She is also responsible for the weaving of fates.

  She is also the goddess who keeps us in touch with our intuitive nature and helps us make the transition to new beginnings.

So with this in my heart and mind I give my devotion and love to the Al-mother Frigg. Blessed Be.

Frigg with her handmaidens Fulla and Gna with her horse Hofvarpinr

 Beautiful All-Mother Frigg
Seer of all but quiet of everything
Protectress of the home,hearth, marriage women and children
I thank you for choosing this humble and unworthy woman
to be your daughter and humble representative
of you upon this land

Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Poetic Edda - Voluspo : Stanza 20 - The Norns

The Norns also call upon me this day to tell their tale this day from the Voluspa/Voluspo . So I will honor them and their words and do so. BlessedBe.

20.  Thence come the maidens  mighty in wisdom,
       Three from the dwelling  down 'neath the tree;
       Urth is one named,  Verthandi the next, --
       On the woods they scored, --  and Skuld the third.
       Laws they made there,  and life alloted
       To the son of men,  and their fates.


The Poetic Edda - Voluspo: Stanza 19 - Yggdrasil

  Yggdrasil and the Norns are getting their own post out of my love and respect for all of them.

19.  An ash I know,  Yggdrasil its name,
      With white water  is the great tree wet;
      Thence come the dew  that falls in the dales,
      Green by Urth's well  does it ever grow.

The Poetic Edda - Voluspo : Stanzas 17 and 18

  We have now come to the creation of the first man and woman of Midgard by Odin, Hoenir (Honir) and Lodur (Lothur).

17. Then from the throng of  did three come forth
      From the home of the gods,  mighty and gracious;
      Two without fate on  the land they found,
      Ask and Embla,  empty of might.

18. Soul they had not,  sense they had not,
      Heat nor motion,  nor goodly hue;
      Soul gave Othin,  sense gave Honir,
      Heat gave Lothur  and goodly hue.

Ask and Embla