Friday, December 6, 2013

Floki Friday #4

  Poor Floki. He has been under undue neglect on my part. Tonight that is to be rectified. We all love our Floki and if something terrible happens to Floki, I don't think Odin and Frigg would help those that have put our Floki in his predicament. This may and more than likely will happen if tragedy befalls Floki.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Shieldmaiden #7: Veborg

Veborg the legendary Shieldmaiden, who was either Danish or Swedish origins is famous for taking part in the Battle of Bravalla, which took place  around 750 A.D. in Sweden.

  The battle was between King Harald Hildetand of Denmark and Sweden and his viceroy, King  Sigurd Hring of Sweden and father of Ragnar Lodbrok. It was at this time that Sweden was made-up of several smaller kingdoms and Harald Hildestand had been elected king over most of them. Because King Sigurd wanted to unite Sweden under one crown and King Harald wanted to keep the possibility of electing a king for each kingdom. Thus the Battle of Bravalla was between unionist and separatists.

  It is said that both sides drew mercenaries from Russia, Germany, England and Ireland and that there were 300 shieldmaidens on the side of the separatists of King Harald. Of these 300 shieldmaidens, the most famous, aside from Visna and Harald's daughter Princess Hed, was Veborg. These three women are described as the generals of the female troops.

  Described in detail is Veborg's contribution to the battle: Ubbe from Friesland, one of the strongest warriors of King Harald's, who defeated three Swedish princes and the fighter Agnar before he was killed by one of the greatest unionist fighters, the warrior Starke. Veborg then rushed forward to kill Starke. She cut off his jaw but he managed to escape her and cut off the arm of Shieldmaiden Visna, who was holding the separatists banner. Veborg is described as being brave and meets her deatha t the hands of the warrior Thorkell the Stubborn in a long and furious struggle that included many wounds and verbal arguing.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Voluspo: Stanzas 6,7 and 8

To continue from Poetic Edda:

 6. Then sough the gods their assembly-seats,
The holy ones, and council held;
Names then gave they to noon and twilight,
Morning they named, and the waning moon,
Night and evening, the years to number.

7.  At Ithavoll met the mighty gods,
Shrines and temples they timbered high;
Forges they set, and smithied ore,
Tongs they wrought, and tools they fashioned.

8. In their dwelling at peace they played at tables,
Of gold no lack did the gods then know, --
Till tither came up giants-maid three,
Huge of might , out of Jotunheim.


Monday, October 28, 2013

Rollo Monday #6

Our first encounter with Rollo in a series of pictures from 'The Rite of Passage" episode after Rollo saves Ragnar's hide.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Rollo Monday #5

Clive Standen was nice enough to post this picture of Rollo, along with a link to the History Channels "Vikings" page with the sneak peek of the video of what is to come next season, on his Facebook page today.

  So Happy Rollo Monday and as Clive put it #HowToRollLikeRollo

Thursday, October 17, 2013


  Vegvisir, which means "sign post" in Icelandic, is an Icelandic magical stave that is intended to help the bearer find his way through rough weather. The symbol is certified in the Huld Manuscript ( which I as of now can find no information on), collected in Iceland by the Icelandic scribe and scholar Geir Vigusson in 18880 ( but consisting of material of early origin.

  A leaf of the Hauld Manuscript provides an image of the vegvisir, gives its name and in prose, declares that "if the sign is carried, one will never lose one's way in storms or bad weather, even when the way is not known".

Thorsday Thursday #5

Nothing too special or fancy, just a simple and elegant Mjolnir with Thor's name chiseled into it.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Vikings Have Landed

  Today I received a surprise. Ragnar, Rollo, Lagertha and Floki invaded my home today and I could not be happier.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Rollo Monday #4

For an online friend, who has rather recently discovered Rollo or as she puts it "Rohhllo" and "all his pelty goodness" Her delightful words.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Thorsday Tursday #3

  Sorry, the day is almost gone for me when I just saw this beautiful reminder of Thor Thursday.

  It is a 9th. century C.E. Silver Thor's Hammer  - Bredsatra, Sweden

Friday, August 30, 2013

Former Lord of the Rings Producer Plans Norway Viking Epic

  I get emailed newsletters from TheOneRing.Net on a daily basis. Actually, it is quite a few newsletters I get from The One Ring. In one of today's newsletters came the article of Lord of the Rings producer, Barrie Osborne is showing interest in shooting a Viking film in Norway. He thinks doing this will help Norwegian tourism the way Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit have helped New Zealand tourism.

  Mr. Osborne wants to spend $100 million to film a Viking blockbuster in Norway because of its "authentic landscape" and the expert knowledge that local historians have about the Viking Era.

  Mr. Osborne also states that he wants to make a trilogy about the last great Viking king, Harald Hardrada. From "how Harald evolved from a teenager to the great leader that rallied his kingdom."

  It is not clear if this is the same movie about Harald Hardrada that was announced was reported earlier this month and staring Leonardo di Caprio.


Saturday, August 24, 2013

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Thorsday Thursday #2

Last weeks mass posting tired me out a bit. I guess it was all of that adrenalin I had going through me when I was discovering and deciphering , what is new for me, the Viking mythology. Of course the two most common Norse gods I have heard of are Odin and Thor, when doing a crossword puzzle I have to make sure I have at least one letter so I will know which one to write.

  With that I give to you this weeks Thor Thursday. It is a bronze Norse god statuette replica of Thor from the Jelly Dragon.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Thorsday Thursday

  I don't know how many of you have ever heard of Thorin Thursday. This is a day devoted to Thorin Oakenshield whether it is because of the book The Hobbit  or like me and  others are fans of Richard Armitage and therefore fans of Thorin. 

  Anyway, in the last few days the thought of Thorin Thursday has put the idea of a THOR Thursday, which makes sense considering Thursday was named for Thor. So in honor of his day I give to you Thor Thursday.

Thor Captures  the Dragon


Var/Vor is the Norse goddess wisdom, marriage, faith,oaths,promises and contracts.
In the Poetic Edda, the blessed Vor is invoked by the king of the jotunn (giant) Thrymr after his "bride" ( who was actually the god Thor disguised as Freyja) is sacred with Mjolnir, the stolen hammer of Thor, at their wedding.

  In the 35th chapter of the Prose Edda book Gylfaginning, High,one of the three men who answer question posed to them by Gangleri (Gylfi in disguise) about the asynjur. High list Vor as nineth among the sixteen asynjur he presents in the chapter and provides some information about her:

     Ninth Var : she listens to peoples oaths and private agreements that women and men make between each other. Thus these oaths are called varvar.She punishes those that break them.

  Also, Var makes two more appearances in the Prose Edda. In Chapter 75 of the Prose Edda book Skaldskaparmal Var 's name appears in a list of 27 asynjur names. In Chapter 87 the name Var is used in a kenning referring to the goddess Skaoi ("bow-string-Var") in the poem Haustlong . A runic inscription inscribed on a stick in Beregen, Norway around 1300 records a common mercantile transaction follwed by a verse of an unsatisfied customer that mentions Var.

     'Wise Var of wire ( "woman of filigree" meaning "wise bejeweled woman") makes (me) sit unhappy.
       Eir(woman) of mackerels'  ground (likely gold) takes often and much sleep from me."

  There are theories regarding the importance of Var as a goddess. Britt-Mari Nasstrom argues that Var was like many other minor goddesses and was one of the many names of the goddess Freyja and was "later apprehended as independent goddesses".
The Austrian Germanist and philologist, Rudolf Simek says that the goddesses Saga, Hlin, Snotra, Vor and Var should be considered vaguely defined figures who"who should be seen as female protective goddesses" that are responsible for 'specific areas of the private sphere, and yet clear differences were made between them so they are in many ways similar to matrons."


  Dvalinn of Norse mythology was a dwarf who appears in many Old Norse tales and kennings . Dvalinn translates as "the slumbering one" or "the dormant one".

  In Grimnismal, the fourth of the poems in the Poetic Edda, and in Gylfaginning, the first poem of the Prose Edda, Dvalin is listed as one of he four stags that eat among the branched of the World Tree Yggdrasill. There is speculation as to why the stags exist and what is their value.

 Also in Voluspa, the Poetic Edda first poem, is mentioned in a listing of dwarves names and then in a later stanza as a leader taking a host of dwarves from the mountain to look for a new place to live.

"The rocks they left, and through the wet lands
They sought a home, in fields of sand" 

  In Havamal, a single poem in the Poetic Edda that is mainly made up of meaningful and wise sayings put to verse to help the memory, Dvalinn is said to have introduced the writing of runes to the dwarves, as Dain had done for the elves and Odin for the gods.

  In Alvissmal, a kenning for the sun that is listed as the "deceiver of Dwalinn", referring to the power from the sun can turn a dwarf into stone. In skaldic poetry, "Dvalinn's drink" is used as a kenning of poetry, since the mead of poetry was originally created my the dwarves.

  In Fafnismal , an Eddic poem, found in the Codex Regius, during a discussion between Sigurd and Fafnir concerning the minor Norns, (apart from the three great Norns), female beings who govern the lives of men and gods. Those that govern the lives of dwarves are known as "Dvalinn's daughters".

  In Hervarar saga, Dvalinn , along with Dain, is one of the pair of dwarves to make the magic sword Tyrfing.

  In the late 14th to early 15th century Icelandic short story, written by two Christian priest, Magnus Thorhalson and Jon Thordson, Dvalinn is the name of one of the four dwarves who made a necklace that was later obtained by a woman named Freyja, who is  King Odin's concubine, after she agreed to spend the night with each of the dwaves.

  Of course, J.R.R. Tolkien took the name Dvalinn for Dwalin  for his book The Hobbit.

Grahm McTavish - Dwalin

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


 According to Norse tradition, Gylfi is the oldest recorded king of Scandinavia. When appearing in disguise he would use the name Gangleri .

  According to the Icelandic bishop, historian and poet, Snorri Sturluson's Ynglynga saga section of  the best known old Norse kings saga, Heimskringla and the Eddic poem about Ragnar Lodbrok, Ragmarsdrapa, Gyfli was seduced by the goddess Gefjon to give her as much land as she could plow in one night. Gefjon then transforms her four sons into a team of oxen and took enough land to make the Danish island of Zealand and leaving the Swedish lake, Marlaren.

In the Tricking of Gylfi, Gylfaginning, in the Prose Edda and the Ynglynga saga the supposed historic story of how Odin, in non-deity version and his people the AEsir and Vanir, who would later become Swedes, obtained new land where they built the settlement of Old Sigtuna. In Snorri's account, Gylfi is deluded by the AEsir to accept their religion, hence the name "Gylfaginning" : the Deluding of Gylfi. Gylfi and the older remaining Bronze Age inhabitants of the land then supposedly adopted the religion of the AEsir and began to live under their rule.

Deluding of Gylfi

Snorri presented an outline of Norse mythology through a dialogue between Gylfi and the three rulers of the AEsir. Snorri's account is possibly based upon an old tradition of tracing particular beliefs or foundations of tracing old Norse cults to the legendary Gylfi. Because, more than likely the historic King Gylfi was already a follower of the Norse religion and, naturally, could have passed his beliefs and/or on to his subjects.

Gylfi greets Odin ~ Hugo Hamilton etching, 1830

Gyfli also makes an appearance in a version of Hervarar saga Gylfi married his daughter Heior to Sigrlami, king of Gardariki (Russia) and the first owner of the sword Tyrfing , that was forged by, due to force of Heior and Sigrlami's son, Svafrlami, the dwarves, Dvalin and Durin (Hello Mr. Tolkien!)  .

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Voluspo: Stanzas 3, 4 and 5

From Henry Adams Bellows stanzas 3 and 4 of the Voluspa from The Poetic Edda

3. Of old was the age of  when Ymir lived;
Sea nor cool waves  nor sand there were;
Earth had not been,   nor heaven above,
But a yawning gap,  and grass nowhere.

4. The Bur's sons lifted  the level land,
Mithgarth the mighty  there they made;
The sun from the south  warmed the stones of the earth,
And green was the ground  with growing leeks.

5. The sun, the sister  of the moon, from the south
her right hand cast  over heaven's rim;
No knowledge she had  of where her home should be,
The moon knew not  what might was his,
The stars knew not  where their stations were.


Friday, July 19, 2013

Vikings Season 2 Sneak Peek Video

 There also was another link posted on Twitter by History Vikings this evening a sneak peek to Season 2  of Vikings. My two only thoughts while watching the video were... HELLS BELLS! and FLOKI!!!!! Oh and Rollo looks f*ing nuts.

  All that can be provided now is a link to Vikings page on History Channel's website just have to sit through a commercial first. 

Replacing Bjorn

  News came about 40-45 minutes ago, via Twitter, from History Vikings that Nathan O'Toole will no longer be Bjorn and is being replaced by Alexander Ludwig, who I just found out was in The Hunger Games, big friggin' whoop. Yes, I know, congratulations to Alexander. All of this was done in order to do a time jump on Bjorn, you know age him. Plus Lagertha will have remarried. I am disappointed that it was felt that they needed to do this.

Floki Friday #2

Floki as a Cover Boy with his brand of Flokiliner. Really enhances his blue eyes.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Vikings DVD Season 1

Back in June I had pre-ordered the Vikings series Season 1 DVD from Amazon and I just got an email saying that it will be delivered just before Halloween. This is because that the release date for the series DVD is on October 15, 2013. However, you can still go to Amazon's site and pre-order Vikings and get an early Halloween treat for yourself.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Shieldmaiden Saturday #2

Here is Lagertha after the time that the two men came into her home with the intent of harming (being polite) her on their mind and then she gave them "That's what you think" kick-ass of their pathetic lives.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Floki Friday #1

  I have been meaning to do this almost from the very beginning of Valkyrie's  Vikings but I have always forgotten. So with about two and a half left in Friday where I live and having remembered to do it for the upteenth time today, I give to you our favorite shamaesque type of boat builder, Floki.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Shieldmaiden Saturday #1

This is going to be about Lagertha  Lothbrock  or at least mainly it will mainly be about Lagertha . I know of some artwork that is about other shieldmaidens and will post those from time to time, but this will be about Lagertha first and foremost.

  Lagertha getting her shieldmaiden vibe going.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Rollo Monday #3

I do love Rollo. Yes he is a vicious warrior and enjoys the the destruction of people and property but at the same time he has been as loyal as he can be to his family. However his brother Ragnar takes Rollo and his allegiance for granted just always assuming that both are going to be there. So it is because of Ragnar taking Rollo for granted and essentially shafting him that I love Rollo.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

I Can't Go Pillaging?

Found this on Facebook and thought I would share it with you. I can see Lagertha getting like this when she first wanted to go pillaging and wasn't allowed and that would be when she decided to become a shieldmasiden so that she could go pillage a village.

Claimed Valkyrie's Viking on Bloglovin

Valkyrie's Viking has been claimed by Bloglovin. I don't know come tomorrow, July 1, if you will be able to follow this blog as usual and just use Bloglovin as a secondary or if it will become the main way to follow this blog Of course, NOW I would find the Google follow button also, but that is the way it goes. So you now have, hopefully two follow options for Valkyrie's Vikings.

  Anyway, when and if you do decide to follow by clicking the Bloglovin button it will take to this blogs page there. When you get to Bloglovin you will find the Follow button under the Blog title you click it and you are following. To get back to Valkyrie's Vikings there is a link in between the blog title and the follow button. Click the link and you are back here.

Hope you decide to follow.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Trying to Claim my Blog

Google Reader, whatever that is/was, will cease to exists in a few days, therefore, I am trying to claim my blog at Bloglovin and hopefully doing what they say will help. I think two of my other blogs have claimed already,but I am not certain. So her goes nothing and the link they say to paste to try and help.
<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>  Also, maybe at a later time I'll add Feedly but I don't know when I 'll figure it out. Also, very important, I will be adding a bloglovin Follow button to my sidebar.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Vikings : Comic-Con 2013

 Televisions Vikings are getting ready to  raid San Diego on Friday July 19th at 7:00 pm at the San Diego Convention Center, Top Level in Panel Room 6A. The entire adult cast will be there they include Clive Standen (Rollo), Travis Fimmel (Ragnar), Katheryn Winnick (Lagertha), Gustaf Skarsgard (Floki) Jessalyn Gilisig (Siggy) and George Blagden (Athelstan). Also in attendance will be writer/creator Michael Hirst and History Executive Vice-President and General manager Dirk Hoogstra.

  So for those of you that can make it to San Diego to see the Vikings cast I hope you enjoy yourselves and maybe enjoy it a little bit more for those of us who won't be able to make it.

Saturday, June 22, 2013


AEgir is the Norse god of the ocean and sea creature that was both worshiped and feared by sailors, for they believed that he would appear on occasion on the oceans surface and take the men, cargo and ships with him to his hall at the bottom of the ocean. To appease AEgir sacrifices, particularly those of prisoners, were made before a voyage. AEgir was known for throwing elaborate parties, where ale poured itself and is lit with gold, for the gods of the AEsir

  Now there has been some on whether AEgir was a jotun (giant) for while many versions of his story portray him as a giant just as many do not. In some texts he is referred to as something older than the jotun and some will say that AEgir's origins aren't really explained and yet some, mainly Fuddin Norgr will list him as the son of the giant Fornjotr and as the brother of Logi (fire) and Kari (the air). AEgir was the husband of the sea goddess Ran and they are the parents of nine billow maidens also known as the Nine Daughters of AEgir.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Voluspo: Stanzas 1 and 2

The first set of the translated Voluspa is from Henry Adams Bellows in 1936 from Icelandic. Al I can seem to find on a Mr. Bellows is that he was a Vermont-born New Hampshire lawyer, state legislator and jurist that lived from 1803-1873. His translation:

1. Hearing I ask  from the holy races,
From  Heimdall's sons,  both high and low;  
Thou wilt, Valfather,  that well I relate
Old tales I remember  of men long ago.

2. I remember yet  the giants of yore
Who gave me bread  in the days gone by;
Nine worlds I knew,  the nine in the tree
With mighty roots  beneath the mold.

The second translation is from Lee M. Hollander, an American scholar of Norse literature and mythology. he was a long-term faculty member and head of the Department of Germanic Studies at the University of Texas in Austin. Professor Holland lived from 1880 to 1972. His translation:

Hear me, all ye hallowed beings
Both high and low of Heimdall's children;
Thou wilt Valfather, that I well set forth
The fates of the world which I first recall

I call to mind the kin of etins
which long ago did give me life.
Nine worlds I know, the nine abodes
Of the glorious world-tree the ground beneath


Monday, June 17, 2013

Rollo Monday #2

Rollo (Clive Standen) is not too sure about the baptismal if he wants to become a Christian.

Monday, June 10, 2013


What better way to get to know the Vikings than by starting with the first and best known poem of the Poetic EddaVoluspa . I will post two stanzas from Voluspa every so often, in the same post.

  Voluspa tells the story of the world's creation and its end as related by a volva ,Norse seeress, to Odin, major god in Norse mythology and ruler of Asgard.

  The Voluspa is one of the most important primary sources for the study of Norse mythology. It is found in the Icelandic manuscript thought to have been written in the 1270's, Codex  Regius and in one of the few medieval Norse manuscripts of which the author is known, Hauksbok  by Haukr Erlendsson and many of its stanzas are quoted or paraphrased by the Icelandic historian, poet and politician, Snorri Sturluson's Prose Edda.

  Voluspa consists of approximately 60 alliterative verses known as a fornyroislag stanzas. In Sophus Bugge;s, a 19th century Norwegian philologist and linguist, edition of the Hauksbok version has 59 stanzas while the Codex Regius version has 62 stanzas. Each manuscript contains stanzas not found in the other manuscript. Bugge's normalized version contains 66 stanzas.

Odin and the Volva